A small group of Creusois people decides to create their company.
The siege is situated 34 street Gérard in Paris 13th district.
The company will start with seven stucco plasterers partners.
Among them: Léonard Truffy said Fricasse, Auguste Michaud and Auguste Carraud.
On 1930 The company appoints an activity : the implementation of false ceilings. The company has changed address to 283 Lecourbe street.
During the war, the company has to modify its statutes to answer the modifications of the law.
It takes advantage of the situation to change the company name and will be called from now on:
Société Ouvrière d’Entreprise, Stuc, Maçonnerie, Staff
We build at the corner of the street rue Lecourbe and of the street rue de La Croix Nivert an important building.
During the works, a landslide damages seriously the workshop of the company.
It acquires in full property 800 m² in the new building in 204, rue de la Croix Nivert.
On the occasion of a change of statutes, the company changes again its name for S.O.E. STUC & STAFF
The company takes over the PERRON company, specialized in staff and decoration.
Resumption of the company BLANCH’ART & CIE, today workshop BLANCH’ART, with its supervision and its staff.
This company is specialized in the forgery-ceiling.
Purchase of a workshop and premises for storage in Montmagny.
Rapprochement of the I.D.E.A.L company, specialized in the staff and GRG, with S.O.E STUC & STAFF.
Fusion of companies I.D.E.A.L and Ateliers BLANCH’ART to become IDEAL BLANCH’ART company.
S.O.E. Stuc & Staff employs 70 employees distributed in two sites with a manufacturing centre in the Val-d’Oise department and an administrative centre in Paris.
Extension of the workshop acquired in 1997 by the construction of an attached building, taking the total area (workshop and storage) to approximately 2000 m².